URL-friendly content translations
As of version 3.6.0, BEdita is distributed with an improved system to serve content translations in a URL-friendly way.
› This article applies to BEdita 3.6
Exception handling
Since 3.6.0 version BEdita ships with a redesigned exception handling system that gives better error
› This article applies to BEdita 3.6
Debug toolkit activation
Since BEdita 3.4 it is possibile to use the CakePHP DebugKit: a debugging toolbar and enhanced debugging tools
› This article applies to BEdita 3.4 BEdita 3.6
ResponseHandler Component
This component is always attached to any controller and automatically takes care of rendering the right type of view
› This article applies to BEdita 3.6
JsonView and XmlView
Whenever you need to output json or xml content you can use those special views. Normally BEdita apps automatically use
› This article applies to BEdita 3.6
Embedding Images with beEmbedMedia
Embedding images is probably the most common use of the BeEmbedMedia Helper. You just have to pass the $object
› This article applies to BEdita 3.2 Developer frontend
Filtering section's objects
Usually the section's objects that BEdita loads automatically are what you need for your frontend app, but sometimes
› This article applies to BEdita 3.1 BEdita 3.2
Understand how the View is chosen
Understand how the view file is chosen is fundamental if you want mastering frontend customization. In the standard
› This article applies to BEdita 3.1 BEdita 3.2
Localize your frontend
To localize your frontend app you have to follow the steps below:
- Prepare you frontend editing the configurations

› This article applies to BEdita 3.1 BEdita 3.2
Create custom error 404 and error 500 pages
On your frontend applications you may want to have nice and useful error pages for your users (both human and
› This article applies to BEdita 3.1 BEdita 3.2
Routing rules in frontend applications
This article explains how to build routing rules for redirecting web requests
› This article applies to BEdita 3.2
Showing a list of tags
Get a tag cloud or tag list in your frontend application
› This article applies to BEdita 3.1 BEdita 3.2
Managing Users History
Manage easly users history in frontend applications (and in backend too)
› This article applies to BEdita 3.1 BEdita 3.2
Frontend Application Flow and callback methods
To help the frontend developers BEdita comes with a series of callback methods that allowing to filter and handling
› This article applies to BEdita 3.2
Get more or less information from your content
How to handle BEdita objects model bindings in frontend applications
› This article applies to BEdita 3.2 frontend
How to subscribe users to frontend apps
This article explains what you have to do to register users through a frontend application
› This article applies to BEdita 3.1
Template development - beFront helper
This article explains how to use BeFrontHelper in frontend template development
› This article applies to BEdita 3.1
Migrating frontends from BEdita 3.1 to 3.2
A brief guide to upgrade your frontends from 3.1
› This article applies to BEdita 3.2 Developer
Frontend Application Flow and callback methods
To help the frontend developers BEdita comes with a series of callback methods that allows to filter and handle data.
› This article applies to BEdita 3.1
Customizing Frontend Applications [part 3]: time for pagination
Paginating items in a frontend application
› This article applies to BEdita 3.1 BEdita 3.2
Customizing Frontend Applications [part 2]: how to load only selected content in a section
Improve speed performance by narrowing your requests to the API
› This article applies to BEdita 3.1
Customizing Frontend Applications [part 1]: divide objects by type in a section
With this post we start a series of documents that explain how customize your frontend application for all your needs.

› This article applies to BEdita 3.1
Frontend folder structure
A typical frontend application folder structure
› This article applies to BEdita 3.1
Embedding multimedia objects
An overview on the multimedia embedding feature, using the BeEmbedMedia Helper.
› This article applies to BEdita 3.1
My first frontend
How to build a simple frontend in BEdita.
› This article applies to BEdita 3.1