Each frontend application is a CakePHP application. The bigger difference is that a BEdita frontend application comes with a powerful set of API to allow webdesigners/webdevelopers start to work without write any single row of business logic and focusing on views.

Of course you are free to customize your application editing PagesController or creating other controllers/components/models/plugins like a classic CakePHP application.

frontends folder

Inside this folder you can find four BEdita frontend applications and here is where you should create yours. BEdita package comes with these frontends:


In every frontend application you'll have a configuration file named frontend.ini.php in config folder, a controller named pages_controller.php in controller folder and some templates in views folder.


This is a tool to find out how data are structured, how you can use i18n, what helper/views/elements you have available for building a frontend application. Views and elements are available both as Smarty templates (.tpl) and CakePHP native templates (.ctp). In this way when you're starting a new project you may use your preferred template engine and having a starter kit of templates ready to use.


This is a simple example of a website.


Use it copying or renaming for create your own frontend application.


This is a frontend application example inspired by the 2010 theme TwentyTen for WordPress.The main stylesheet is the TwentyTen (twentyten.css) and an adjustament.css is used for some correction. Have a look at README.txt located in the frontend root folder for some tips.