3.2.beta release -- 05-03-2011

User-visible changes:

* #137 - installation wizard

  • setup: partially formatted database.php

* #279 admin: mail queue and mail check

  • email info page
  • change menu labels

* #283 basic XML export/import from publications module

  • import/export filter models
  • xml import, allow import of files already present

* #268 admin: configuration page

  • lang selection layout
  • added button "test smtp"

* #301 admin: view backend and frontends log files
* #276 Sections enhancement

  • GeoTag

* #303 new BE home
* #210 frontend menu - backend interface

  • trees.menu not nullable, view in publications module
  • icon for hidden sections
  • save trees.menu user selection ("visibility" checkbox)
  • Publication module - list sections: fixed wrong label and icon visibility conditions for hidden sections
  • added "menuhidden" class to left side tree items
  • init data publication/section with menu = 1

* #233 highlight objects with permissions

  • wrong protected class set to publications fixed
  • locked icon on .protected elements in .publishingtree
  • fixed double icon in detail doc

* #307 relations: handle inverse relations

  • handle inverse relations in obj save and in obj view
  • delete inverse relations before insert
  • fix "inverse" relations delete
  • fix "inverse" relations priority

* #117 multimedia: handle existing file/url
* #295 admin: add utility functions

  • UI for admin / utility module
  • core modules management (on-off)

* #296 Create new Users module to manage users and groups

  • immutable groups + asc desc in user list
  • added search and pagination toolbar in Users module

* #150 ui: show ascending/descending order for columns object lists
* #308 - view categories in alphabetical order
* other:

  • editor css
  • ckeditor
  • error display / new view
  • bigger pub tree area

Frontend changes:

* #304 category 'off' should not be visible in frontend
* frontends - debug.example.com: removed comment
* fixes on dummy.example.com, site.example.com, pages_controller
* add tag_cloud element in dummy.example.com and debug.example.com
* set parentAuthorized = authorized in FrontendController::setCanonicalPath() for publication to avoid warning in FrontendController::section() method (merged from ulmus)
* FrontendController::loadObjectsByCategory changed from public to protected
* FrontendController - add setCanonicalPath in objects selected by tag or category and removed forced baseLevel for bindings
* FrontendController::loadObjectsByTagCategory() - add try catch block to avoid 404 error when get contents on draft branch tree
* BeFront::menu() - comment corrected
* BeFront::chooseTemplate() fix 'Check frontendMap currentContent nickname' when currentContent is populated but no content has been selected
* BeFront::chooseTemplate() fix 'object type template' choose  when currentContent is populated but no content has been selected

Developer-visibile changes:

* #291 multimedia: url friendly file names

  • added field 'original_name' to streams table

* #274 frontend: generic /category method to load categorized objects

  • added category tpl to examples

* #305 apidoc corrections/improvements
* added alpha suffix in changelog
* changed default limit value $dim = 100000 in BEAppModel::findObjects()  to $dim = null (get all objects with no limit)
* add sql_dump.tpl for Smarty to show SQL output
* upload: fix mediaType detection
* texteditor script in a separate element view
* BEObject::beforeValidate() - check that property_type is not empty before check if its value is 'date' to format property_value to avoid warning (merged from ulmus)
* de{literal}ize smarty/javascript code
* removed space in .htaccess
* ui: fix js bug - write open fieldset cookie only if "id" is set
* fixed PagesController::showObject() to get correctely objects in relations tab
* fix on search text save for new sections
* fix search bug: don't use "id" in order by! - trunk
* remove unused model
* New HTML5 dummy fronted (based on http://html5boilerplate.com/)
* Added ignore rules for /tmp in html5.example.com
* added tag {t} in "matching the query" string
* generalized search form action attribute using $view->action
* #265 - use and handle SmartyException
* #248 - fix translations and multimedia on postgres
* #287

  • postgres search working (quite...)
  • fix multiple results in postgres search (with AND)
  • fix postgres search like mysql - with OR