3.2.alpha release -- 23-12-2011
User-visible changes:
* #137 - installation wizard
- setup: force cake debug=1
- installer BEDITA_IGNORE_CFG to avoid bedita.cfg.php load
* #268 - Admin module - some configuration can be edit through user interface
- BEdita url, project name
- media url and media root
- languages configuration
- smtpOptions
- mail support
* #259 addressbook: newsletter subscription bug
* multimedia module: introduced GPS info in exif data view
* tags module: fix views for cake 1.3
* #291 - url friendly file names
* #293 Sample module: updated to cakephp 1.3 plugin conventions
* Events module - fix smarty include wrong path in form.tpl
* Addressbook module - fix smarty include wrong path in form.tpl
* #239 - Publication module: removed ajax behavior
* Publication module
- added filter for object_type_id
- new section form features
- sections: "create new section here"
- added tags and notes
* modules menu with search field / search input removed from toolbar
* new object command in toolbar
* modules menu css + search
* #296 - Users module
- create users module, moved users and groups from admin to users module, update sql initialization nad upgrade
- random passw for new user
- css color module / menuLeft on admin
- fixed wrong redirect path
- reordered groups and fix module_permission in bedita_init_data.sql for the introduction of manager group
- "manager" groups have not permission to create groups with access to "admin" module and to edit "administrator" users
- dedicated page for view/edit/new group
- count number of users belongs to any group in list groups
* alternative module list menu
* load publications in every backend page (AppController::beforeFilter()) to have url for frontend site
* #282 translations: publication public name / description translatable
* EventLog => allow multiple logs
* Helper #233, #243 - BeTreeHelper::view() added class="protected" to publications/sections with some permission (on the tree)
Frontend changes:
* sample frontends adjustments for upgrade to CakePHP
* frontend debug.example.com: wrong php tag in default.ctp
* #263 added BeFront::stagingToolbar() method to load the staging toolbar in frontend apps
* #286 - lang codes for HTML 639-1 => BeFront::lang() method
* #90 set locale in $currLocale, reading from config "locales"
* debug.example.com - Replaced $view->_smarty->_tpl_vars (not in Smarty anymore) with $view->viewVars
* FrontendController: removed Set::isEqual() because it has been removed in Cake 1.3
* #278 - Improve routing rules in frontend applications. Security: if first url args is a method of PagesController check that it aren't a ForntendController/AppController method
* FrontendController - change nickname callbacks name:
- before with this-is-my-nick it called this_is_my_nickBeforeFilter(), ....
- now with this-is-my-nick it calls thisIsMyNickBeforeFilter(), ....
Developer-visibile changes:
* shell: dbadmin cleanup -days / removes old items from log/job tables
* change bedita cfg files load chain - now bedita.ini requires bedita.cfg
* upgrade cake to 1.3.13
* #265 - upgrade to Smarty 3.1.7
* shell: bedita modules fix/update
* small fix in TransactionComponent for upgrade to CakePHP
* read schema tables with options
* shell: check all frontends in checkApp / check frontends existence
* XML::toArray patch http://cakephp.lighthouseapp.com/projects/42648/tickets/1667
* add BEDITA_LOCAL_CFG_PATH constant, local configuration files path
* schema doc update
* #285 replaced php_thumb with new php_thumb library
* UI: general modulesmenu in standard html5 NAV element + general HTML5 declaration + CSS html5 elements block definition
* helper: BeToolbarHelper::changeDimSelect() - added keys to $options array params to create tag select with value different from text
* css declaration with var argument (to prevent caching)
* beditaNew renamed to bedita.css
* unit test: add test for BeLib::variableFromName()
* Area and Section model: added Annotation to $modelBindings["default"] to get EditorNote
* add Tag and Annotation to Section and Annotation to Area models. Now Section and Area saves use AppController::saveObject() method
* #268, #137 - fix config write regexp => ignore $config[] after =
* #268 - bedita.cfg.php / only one main config file (bedita.sys.php deprecated)
* config: remove 'config''language', 'multilang' - add 'defaultUILang'
* bedita shell: add cleanphp method to clean php files from leadind and trailing spaces
* #291 - Stream::updateStreamFields - add filename modification
* shell: fix dbadmin error
* be_lib: allow start digits in nickname / friendlyUrlString
* shell/core: move BeLib::initConfig() in AppController - allow shell scripts launch with config errors
* shell: fix for cake 1.3 / cleanup automatic in frontends also
* shell: dbadmin clearMediaCache method
* helper AppHelper::getHelper() - changed var name 'themeWeb' in 'theme' (due to cake 1.3 upgrade)