3.2 beta 2 release -- 19-07-2012
User-visible changes:
- new text for INSTALL
- ui: don't try to open bad id selectors (js)
- #307: inverse relations - use left or right object types when necessary
- import / export filter
- longer titles in free relations tab
- added robots.txt and meta robots noindex, nofollow for backend interface
- #252 - fixed table compare in plugin install
- Users module bugfix - overload user data loading group details. Refactoring
- #117 multimedia: handle existing file/url
- ui: select category filter more generic not only for /index methods
- modules: fix error 500 on "deleteSelected"
- #301 admin: view backend and frontends log files
- admin: check plugins presence and modules dir existence
- #316 use nicknames in backend view URLs
- concurrent access: remove update from viewObject to avoid fake concurrent alerts
- avoid multiple click events in list objects
- webmark - fix smarty error on json object
- added UI spanish translation
- categories: alphabetic order in object list view - trunk
- #313 - admin module: introduced the way to enable/disable all addons (not only for BEdita object type)
- fixed unbalanced brackets in multimedia/inc/menuleft.tpl
- #319
- add ckeditor simple style
- new json config BEDITA array
- add $currLang2 var for 2 char lang codes (en, de, it,...)
- #190 Drag&drop of multimedia elements inside body textarea.
- ui: dashboard more tabs default open
- fix errors in selection of multimedia already present in the system
- #295 - Admin module:
- - impemented the utility functions 'update stream fields', 'rebuild index', 'cleanup cache', 'empty logs', 'clear media cache'
- - Added an Utility model class to handle common operations used both in UI and in shell scripts
Frontend changes:
- FrontendController::loadSectionObjects(): return empty array if section is protected
- FrontendController::rss() - make safe string for display as HTML insideusing Sanitize::html()
- #315 ui: BeFront helper metaAll and metaDc not correct for sections
- dummy.example.com/html5.example.com - added form for password recovery
- introduced simple mobile frontend (mobile.example.com)
- fix loadSectionsTree bug using non null $depth
- refactoring of BeFront::menu() in order to increase html flexibility
Developer-visibile changes:
- update to CakePHP 1.3.15
- update to Smarty 3.1.11
- #265 - use SmartyException
- #312 object_relations: add utility methods
- soap: add try/catch - on exception function returns "null"
- #295
- improved handle ajax exceptions adding BEdita html standard message error in json response
- add system event message on success
- in save operations avoided to delete tree positions of objects if isn't set relative data array (data[destination]). Pass empty data[destination] to delete all tree positions
- #283
- import/export filter base classes - refactor
- new convention for name and supported mime types
- dynamic import/export form
- export only selected object/section/content - let filter load other objects
- shell: bedita export filter -f ... -filter ... -id ...
- add validation methods
- #298 - import/export with Phar module / check plugin existence
- supported media types: add application/zip
- bugfix - adding new item in multimedia module inserted a row in trees table also when no position was selected
- replace folder->ls with folder->read
- smarty translations fix: check if TrHelper is available
- fix BuildFilter con custom table fields - accept values like 0, or '0' in conditions (i.e. Model.field = 0 should be a valid condition)
- shell: dbadmin massRemove
- add custom_property, date_item and count_relations filter to BuildFilter behavior
- Added locales.php
- introudced the possibility to extend BuildFilter (used to build custom query) through other Behaviors (merged from ulmus)
- fix belongsTo assoication between ObjectType and BEObject models
- #305 apidoc corrections/improvements
- AppHelper::getHelper public
- added otf supported mimetype
- bedita.ini: allow reload
- fixed Call-time pass-by-reference in BeLib::arrayValues() (deprecated)
- moved jquery.tooltip from pages/update_editor.tpl to layouts/default.tpl to avoid multiple loading
- #313
- Refactoring, add Addon model to handle operations on addons
- added FineDiff vendor library to execute diff between files when an addon enabled doesn't match the related addon available
- #318
- localization: add support for plugin locales in .po files
- TrHelper: add domain translation - see #318