3.1.3 release -- 16-06-2011
User-visible changes:
* newsletter: images and videos content added properly to newsletter messages
* notify: avoid editor note notifications for users without backend authorization
* tags: filter tags on section (only tags in objects inside a section)
* tags: get label from tag unique name
* geotag tab: find, fill and test GeoCoords with GoogleMapsGeocoder
* multimedia: filtering on tree BuildFilter::mediatypeFilter() found objects twice. Fixed
* multimedia: spreadsheet | specific view->element for BODY fields
* multimedia: added note element
* multimedia: file detail - fix: not show "imageinfo" if not present
* multimedia: fix remote images display (height/width) in "Multimedia items"
* fix chrome multimediaitem drag & drop + advanced modal ajax infos on multimediaitems
* translation - images - replaced 'url' with 'uri'
* fix: remove "notice" in tag save, $name not initialized, defined in beforeValidate
* #273 - Translations module: fix wrong limit clasuole in query
Frontend changes:
* added georss reachable from /georss/section-nickname (simple and atom)
* added kml reachable from /kml/section-nickname
* BeFront::breadcrumb() now accepts an array of options
* minor bug in rss feed creation (notice error when empty abstract and body)
* fix wrong canonicalPath in currentContent
* BeFront helper: fix canonicalPath() method
* fix generic exception error message
* 404 error if url is a reserved word and no handler is found (e.g. /js/.., /css/... )
* newsletter subscribe: fix Card.title value if Card.surname exists
* #210 - partial menu implementation - if tree.menu == 0 for a section, exclude it from "canonicalPath"
* #210 -beFront, breadcrumb - hide hidden sections (trees.menu == 0)
* #210 - menu, new canonicalPath method, rule to select preferred canonical path for every object (mutlifiling)
* BeEmbedMedia helper - in mode=thumb generate alt with title object if no one is passed
* #270 - add callback methods convention to fetch custom rss channel and items not from a single section
* #100 - strip tag saving comments or generic object to avoid xss attack
* #274 category frontend method (like /tag)
* #104 cache: simple object cache array to avoid duplicate object load
* added Tree.area_id condition in FrontendController::setCanonicalPath() to get right path when there is more than one publication
* #210 - menu, use canonicalPath method in "virtual" section objects (trees.menu === '0')
* fix RSS feeds channel data
* #210 - sitemap - add "menu" info, fix html sitemap
* tags, remove hidden/virtual sections from sitemap.xml
Developer-visibile changes:
* model: streams, fix mime type detection for PHP 5.3
* shell: load cached config in startup, initConfig method
* bedita shell script: avoid cached config use in init, initDb, import methods
* cake php bug-fix, xml to array conversion
* remove users.userid from buildFilterBehavior::object_userFilter() - it got performance problems with large numbers of objects
* finfo_open() in Stream::getMimeType() useFILEINFO_MIME_TYPE instead of FILEINFO_MIME to intercept only the mime_type
* errors: add $_GET['url'] param in error 500 log
* update BeBlip component to fit changes in blip.tv api
* bugfix: construction of categories.name for multimedia objects was wrong
* shell: dbadmin::updateCategoryName accept -objectType as parameter
* bugfix: auth_param field serialization only in case of array data
* User::afterFind() check if auth_params field is unserializable and if it is unserialize it
* XML::toArray patch http://cakephp.lighthouseapp.com/projects/42648/tickets/1667
* config/local default dir for local config files - svn ignore
* BEDITA_LOCAL_CFG_PATH, local configuration files path - not versioned
* soap: debug messages improvements, use "debugMode" to activate request/response log in debug.log * shell: #224 - addressbook import - set mailgroup, use custom csv file [header may contain BE fields]
* Blip Helper: calculate width or height respect original video ratio if only one parameter is defined
* tinyMce target="modal" setup in default config
* #272 - BEAppModel::findObjects(): changed "group by" clausole on Tree to avoid duplicated items
* media nickname input value in itembox
* nickname input value in see also list
* #274 - "category" reserved word
* postgres: fix query to get user to notificate, improved Postgres support
* BEAppModel::findObjects() - splitted Tree 'group by' for mysql and postgres to work properly in mysql. Actually Postgres return double results in some cases