3.1.2 release -- 28-03-2011

User-visible changes:
* Publications module: default limit listed content to one hundred items
* newsletter: list detail, fixed errors in config messages tab
* #267 bugfix: avoided recursion on tree when trying to insert section inside itself. Added some unit test on tree
* ui: update object user filter on object list - display user name
* BeToolbar helper: correct some buggy regexp

Frontend changes:
* Added new object permissions for partial frontend access
* Refactoring FrontendController to handle new frontend permission
* bugfix: when publication status is draft and $config["draft"]=true, off objects were shown
* #260 - refactoring of Category::getTags($options) method. Now accept an array of parameters. Added filter by publication to see only tags used in a frontend app
* add moderated user signup with administrator's email as an option
* correct wrong < input type=email > with < input type=text > for name field in signup < form >
* #260 - FrontendController::tag() method get only objects from current frontend publication
* limit the number of elements in auto-generated RSS feeds (now 50 hard coded)
* htmlentities for rss items' titles
* security bugfix: frontend signup groups limited to frontend groups except if they are defined in frontend.ini.php authorizedGroups

Developer-visibile changes:
* Object permissions managed through configuration array instead of constants
* shell: dbadmin cleanup -days / removes old items from log/job tables
* check sql format with regexp instead of DateTime class for work correctly in PHP 5.2
* #261 - generate category and tag names like object nickname for friendly url
* patched mysql schema (remove enum and set)
* minor fix on unit test
* remove duplicated Module model
* shell: bedita modules fix/update
* permission flow in FrontendController::loadObj() revisited
* shell: bedita checkApp - check mediaRoot/mediaUrl/beditaUrl params presence
* card: fix merge/import from vcard file, avoid duplicates
* shell: add dbadmin::updateCategoryName() method to update categories and tags unique name as friendly url string
* Category/Tag unique name: add meditaTypes category as reserved words for categories
* fix model paths list order for plugins
* bugfix: unit test use "test" datasource from database.php
* core: reserved words update
* more clear and simple 404/500 error log
* remove bad js link - jquery/jquery.treeview.js
* error/log messages improvement
* shell: method to read arguments from ini file
* simple html dom library
* fix default $config mediaRoot/mediaUrl
* shell: check all frontends in checkApp / check frontends existence
* errors: add GET/POST data in log msg
* webservice - fixed wrong use of SoapClient PHP class in SoapClientModel
* fix wrong custom query for postreSQL in BuildFilter::object_userFilter() method
* remove unset Content array in BEAppModel::findObjects method
* postgres support: fixed wrong use of LIMIT clausole in BEAppModel::findObjects()
* update to CakePHP 1.2.10